Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
One question to people that have already tried the x64 version: does it install correctly on top of an existing x86 installation? I think so, considering that the data is in the user folder and not in the installation folder but still... better safe than sorry!

Edit: also... aracnoz labels the x64 version as unstable but I remember reading here that people were saying that it had less problems than the x86 one, do I remember correctly?
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).

Messages In This Thread
Lockup on STOP issue resolved! - by MKANET - 2015-04-11, 21:59
RE: 4G aware patch - by MagikMark - 2015-09-08, 03:27
Alt-F4 no longer quits - by JeffA - 2015-10-31, 20:38
RE: Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows - by ashlar - 2017-02-07, 16:06
H265 playback - by rew88 - 2017-11-04, 00:41
RE: H265 playback - by ashlar - 2017-11-04, 16:21
RE: H265 playback - by rew88 - 2017-11-05, 01:34
RE: H265 playback - by ashlar - 2017-11-05, 16:48
RE: H265 playback - by rew88 - 2017-11-05, 23:08
RE: H265 playback - by ashlar - 2017-11-06, 12:00
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RE: Leia 18 - by spencerjford - 2017-11-21, 06:24
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RE: Display Modes / Refresh Rates - by ashlar - 2019-09-20, 00:39
RE: Display Modes / Refresh Rates - by ashlar - 2019-09-20, 19:35
DSPlayer 23.810 to 23.976 - by Runakanta - 2018-05-09, 03:24
RE: DSPlayer 23.810 to 23.976 - by Warner306 - 2018-05-10, 01:32
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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows47