Release Universal Scraper for Music Albums
Well, it finds the album, but does not download the thubmnail (it does when I do 1by1, but it stops working when I try to do mass download)
Check timestamps, it tries to download thumbs too fast and I guess I get banned, because after this the 1by1 download does not work anymore.

Log file:
15:58:51.940 T:7272 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
16:17:10.864 T:1632 WARNING: Previous line repeats 22 times.
16:17:10.864 T:1632   ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting
16:17:11.068 T:7272   ERROR: Previous line repeats 13 times.
16:17:11.068 T:7272 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
16:17:26.800 T:3456 WARNING: Previous line repeats 52 times.
16:17:26.800 T:3456   ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
16:17:28.913 T:7272 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer
16:18:01.466 T:6832 WARNING: Previous line repeats 100 times.
16:18:01.466 T:6832 WARNING: CScraperUrl::Get: Can't find precise charset for HTML "", using "UTF-8" as fallback
16:18:01.466 T:6832   ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
16:18:01.507 T:6832 WARNING: CScraperUrl::Get: Can't find precise charset for HTML "", using "UTF-8" as fallback
16:18:01.507 T:6832   ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
16:18:01.547 T:6832 WARNING: CScraperUrl::Get: Can't find precise charset for HTML "", using "UTF-8" as fallback
16:18:01.547 T:6832   ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
16:18:01.587 T:6832 WARNING: CScraperUrl::Get: Can't find precise charset for HTML "", using "UTF-8" as fallback
16:18:01.587 T:6832   ERROR: ADDON::CScraper::Run: Unable to parse web site
16:18:01.629 T:7272 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Release] Universal Scraper for Music Albums - by Merwenus - 2017-03-01, 17:21
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Universal Scraper for Music Albums7