Budget AMLogic S9xx Media Player Options
Be aware LibreELEC on the S912 is:

- Very Experimental - due to using hacked together Android GPU drivers.
- Displaying graphical artifacts on the User Interface
- There is no Kodi dynamic refresh switching
- Unstable as a Kodi media player - subject to crashes and reboots
- AMLogic seems to be unwilling to Licence from ARM the - T820 Mali Linux GPU drivers that are really needed for LibreELEC on S912's.

I'm going to squash any information that the S912 is a viable LibreELEC Kodi platform right here right now.

It offers NOTHING so far as Audio and Video - LibreELEC Kodi media playback is concerned over the relatively stable AML S905x LibreELEC boxes.

Bigger number are not better !


Messages In This Thread
RE: Budget AML S905 Boxes Shootout! - by 808? - 2016-06-14, 07:02
RE: Budget AMLogic S905/S905X/S912 Media Player Options - by wrxtasy - 2017-03-05, 21:22
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