Win FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement
(2017-03-09, 00:55)Momo90 Wrote: I tried to find out the reason for my mentioned problem. As i said, sometimes frontview doesnt display anything after resuming a movie. To be more specific frontview somtimes looks like that:

First i thought it only happens sometimes when resuming a movie. But after some trying i found out that this problem also sometimes occours when i start a already partially watched movie from the beginning. But the problem doesnt follow a logical order. Sometimes it occours, sometimes not...[/php]

A little bit more trying i found out that sometimes, when i try to resume a movie, the movie starts from the beginning. Or the other way round: when i'm starting a movie from the beginning, it resumes at the last watched position. The frontview problem only occours after the mentioned resume/play from beginning problem. So i think the problem isnt wihtin frontview, i think its in kodi (i m using krypton 17.1 rc1 with the plexkodiconnect addon).

Just wanted to keep you informed...

Btw: is the watchdog addon still necessary to use frontview?

Thanks for info

1st off - No Watchdog - has never been needed - although I can see why you may have thought that - one of the manual images has it selected - although the text says Enable FrontView Kodi addon.
One other has made that mistake!

Happy to have a look at first issue - regardless of cause - just need debug/trace log of the issue.



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RE: FrontView+ -Info for 2nd Screen - iMon replacement - by GlennNZ - 2017-03-09, 08:00
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