v17 Migrate Krypton library back to Jarvis?/Synchronise ratings
Every version of KODI 17.
It might not be the app itself but a compatibility issue with the Q10 Pro or Android or even artist slideshow...
but it doesn't happen on Jarvis.
I've tried RCs, test builds, nightlies etc, it happens with every version.
I stopped trying Krypton when in one of the last test-builds the back button on my remote was being unmapped.

Maybe a complete re-scan of my library would fix it, but as stated above, i'm not gonna spend weeks again rating 24000 tracks till my thumb breaks.
That's why the only solution for my dilemma would be a way to extract those ratings somehow.
KODI Player: Nvidia Shield TV Pro [2019] w/ Wolf Launcher + Synology DS418 | Receiver: Marantz SR6013 | TV: LG 55SJ800V | Toaster: Severin AT 2515

How to:
Create custom video nodes like Documentaries, Concerts, Kids etc

Messages In This Thread
RE: Migrate Krypton library back to Jarvis? - by VelvetKevorkian - 2017-03-20, 10:42
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Migrate Krypton library back to Jarvis?/Synchronise ratings0