v17 StopPVRManager / StartPVRManager
I use a couple of little scripts to enable / disable dvbviewer.
The default.py for disabling is simply:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#import xbmc,xbmcgui,xbmcplugin
import xbmc

Change the addonid to mythtv, add an addon.xml, zip it up and install - make another with enabled:true and do likewise.
Then use
xbmc-send --action="RunScript(script.whatever)"
That - or something like it - should work. I switched from using start / stop pvrmanager when I moved to krypton.
I don't do the last part though - I enable via the gui - so the command may not be exactly right RunScript is a built-in function though, so it should work.

Messages In This Thread
RE: StopPVRManager / StartPVRManager - by trogggy - 2017-03-20, 19:10
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