Beta Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton)
Hi marcelveldt - still loving the great skin, but I have a couple of requests (it's only small stuff but any help would be appreciated)

1 - is there a way to turn off the IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes etc ratings in the Netflix view? or even select which one(s) are displayed? I can remove them by editing the XML file, but of course the next update puts them back.

2 - when browsing TV episodes in the Big List view, every time I move to another episode, the fanart resets to the TV shows default fanart and I have to wait again if I want to see the extra fanart.
Is there a way to browse episode lists without interrupting the extra fanart slideshow? (have I explained that well enough?)

3 - Also in the Netflix view, the studio logo has a noticeable delay before it changes as I browse movies or TV. Nothing major, but is there a way to assign a studio logo to a library item like we do clearart, logos, poster etc in order to speed up the display? Currently

As I said, none of these stop me using my favourite skin, and I guess you have more important issues, but grateful if you have any thoughts.

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Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton)6