MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)
In terms of Kodi speed it is like this so far as storage is concerned:

SSD > HDD > eMMC > NAND > SD card

All R/W is contained on the SD card itself, unless you actually tell LibreELEC to flash to internal, faster eMMC Storage.

Write / Storage operations are noticeably slower with SD cards - but LibreELEC Kodi does not do a lot Write operations anyway day to day.
Its all very usable.


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Minix U1 Review - by hdmkv - 2015-12-01, 15:53
RE: MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0) - by wrxtasy - 2017-03-28, 12:40
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MINIX NEO U1: (64bit AMLogic S905 / 10-bit 4K HEVC / HDMI 2.0)2