v17 replaygain doesn't seem to be working
(2017-03-19, 15:08)DaveBlake Wrote: Why have a "reduced gain" option? Well playing the track at a lower volume will sound diffrent to letting the audio engine handle clipping just at the places it occurs, and some people may want that. But more than that, AE clipping protection is CPU expensive, so those running Kodi on limited processors will have the AE protection disabled. At least with the "reduced gain" approach those files with rgain and peak can be adjusted not to clip without any expensive processing. But the option to avoid clipping protection by normalising volume will reappear in v18, if my PR is approved.

Any news on this one?

I use latest Kodi 18 64 bits test build for windows and do not see this option

Still not merged to kodi 18 or not merged to the 64 bits test build?
Moanbag is in da place!

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RE: replaygain doesn't seem to be working - by Gracus - 2017-04-04, 03:45
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