ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $46
(2017-04-10, 16:45)teefer22 Wrote: Hi,

I have been using libreelec version 8.0.1 lately and while it's working fantastically, the blinking blue LED is back. Is there any way to disable that?

Or is the only way to get rid of the blue led to do a new build? I'm hoping there might be something I can add or comment out of a config file or something.

I did this:

edit (using vi, whatever) .config/autostart.sh and add this:

echo none > /sys/class/leds/blue\:heartbeat/trigger

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RE: ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $46 - by zaphod24 - 2017-04-10, 16:51
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ODROID C2 S905 2GB RAM HDMI 2.0 $4610