Beta Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton)
(2017-04-21, 18:51)spinecho Wrote: show OSD on start of playback time is default 4 seconds. I personally do not like this feature and so I change it to 0 for no OSD. However, upon restart of Kodi, it defaults back to 4 seconds. V annoying!Big Grin
I see someone has already reported this

The issue will be fixed in the next beta update of the skin, I hope to supply this tonight.

(2017-04-21, 18:51)spinecho Wrote: Also Marcel, any update on "fixed list" for Showcase view?

You mean a non-wrapping showcase view ?
Well, I had a quick peek at the code but that's not an easy change as the layout is currently build up with wrapping.
It will be an awfull lot of work to change that. Maybe you should look at the poster Row view which is like showcase but without wrapping ?

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Titan skin version 3.7.x (Kodi 17 Krypton)6