Solved HELP: My NAS ip address changed > can't locate MEDIA
My 2 cents, found this on another Website
OpenELEC settings, enable the option "Wait for network before starting KODI"

But my experience with OpenELEC is limited, so do not know if my find is any help.
Am currently playing around with Ubuntu, on my Dads old lappie, and trying to manage my frustration as to why the darn thing WILL not shut down, after i click shut down.
Big Grin
just a quick final note, because if this was Windows i would say your not logged as Administrator/SU when your accessing new share, or you have not added users to new share address in the conf .(hmm hope this is not confusing or looks like rubbish)
Hope this make sense good luck m8
English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
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RE: HELP: My NAS ip address changed > can't locate MEDIA - by kimkl - 2017-06-01, 15:08
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HELP: My NAS ip address changed > can't locate MEDIA0