Xiaomi 4K HDR 'Mi Box' (Android TV set-top box)
After waiting for about 6 months in hope for an update wich enables refresh rate switching and solves the annoing bugs in terms of Deep Color, HDR and so on, I have to say, I´m done with this box.
I have now 2 devices here, witch have pros and cons (FTV2,Mibox). I like the MiBox, it has basically good hardware, but hardware is always as good as the software. Missing refresh rate autoswitching makes me sick, even with the right refresh rate the box sitll has some stuttering on different files. There are few other bugs, but I could live with them.
On the other side there´s the FTV2, great support, refresh rate switching, good interface, but weak network abilities and lack of HD Audio support.
Yes, it has Wifi AC, but there´s a annoying bug in the wifi driver. You can´t use 80mhz bandwith on the 5ghz network, it leads somehow to speed throttling. 40mhz works flawless, but to slow for my 4k files (60Gbyte). MiBox handles this files without problems on 80mhz.

I just need a box, wich wich features the following things:
-4k 10bit HDR
-refresh rate autoswitching
-hd audio passthrough
-wireless remote
-fast wireless network capabilities

I gave a shot on the Vero 4k.

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NO Teamviewer - broken ! - by aubrey - 2017-06-07, 17:12
RE: Xiaomi 4K HDR 'Mi Box' (Android TV set-top box) - by Xedos9er - 2017-07-03, 08:04
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