Release VideoSlimmer - remove unwanted audio/subs from mkv's
Ah, the same Binhex from unRAID forums who makes all the great dockers (thanks for them!)

Would it be possible to have a dry run functionality? I'd like to know what it plans to do as I can foresee some things I'd like to catch/check on.

eg. ISTR Avatar MKVs have some Naveen subs and LOTR have some Elvish - they would get stripped?

Say some automated tool downloaded a German rip for me instead of English - Videoslimmer would leave it untouched if it ONLY has German and I would never know until I come to play it but with a dry run I might spot that from some output?

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RE: VideoSlimmer - remove unwanted audio/subs from mkv's - by Methanoid - 2017-07-10, 09:47
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VideoSlimmer - remove unwanted audio/subs from mkv's0