FlashVideo in a website
Flash can play a wide range of stream types,

flv streams (licensed by adobe), for VOD streams, kodi player (ffmpeg) can play directly
rtmp streams (licensed by adobe) for live streams, and it actually is a protocol rather then a file type like flv, kodi player (ffpmpeg) can stream it.
f4m stream (aka HDS streams) is advanced form of live streaming still licensed by Adobe, kodi player can not directly play it.

There are some proxy solutions but generally those solutions end up to the places where banned addons live. Because HDS streaming allows broadcaster to protect their streams, and it is costly, if the stream is HDS generally it is a paid service, you can connect the dots i think.

I have no idea what JSTV is btw.

Messages In This Thread
FlashVideo in a website - by buhtz - 2017-07-20, 23:43
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by gujal - 2017-07-21, 00:58
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by Lunatixz - 2017-07-21, 05:19
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by buhtz - 2017-07-21, 09:21
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by Lunatixz - 2017-07-21, 10:22
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by buhtz - 2017-07-21, 11:58
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by boogiepop - 2017-07-21, 12:13
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by buhtz - 2017-07-21, 14:45
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by boogiepop - 2017-07-21, 15:49
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by Lunatixz - 2017-07-21, 17:17
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by buhtz - 2017-07-21, 17:20
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by buhtz - 2017-07-21, 17:19
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by gujal - 2017-07-24, 12:35
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by buhtz - 2017-07-26, 16:32
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by gujal - 2017-07-27, 03:31
RE: FlashVideo in a website - by pkZip - 2020-05-22, 21:11
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