Android nVidia Shield TV (2015 & 2017 Models) - UPDATED: May 25, 2018
I found a solution/work around for hi res surround on Sheild TV. It's tedious but works. Take your 5.1 flac. Export to 6 mono wavs. Encode to trueHD or DTS-HD. Then using mkvtoolnix create a mka file for each song. You can then bitstream in kodi to your reciever. voila! 96hz 24 bit 5.1 surround. Played over network.

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Rip CDs? - by crisp waffles - 2017-03-20, 21:19
RE: nVidia Shield TV (2015 & 2017 Models) - UPDATED: Jun 9, 2017 - by Fargusr - 2017-07-28, 06:54
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