Release WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state
Quote:Boyzie: You are using "seriesSummarize = 1" therefore seriesSummarizeQuery is used, not seriesQuery. So just set "seriesSummarize = 0".
When I do it this message appears:

seriesTabname = Series
seriesColumns = Title,231,Season,100,Episode,200,lastPlayed,220
seriesQuery = SELECT title,season,episode AS datetime(lastPlayed, 'unixepoch') FROM tvshows JOIN episode_watched USING(idShow) WHERE playCount>0 ORDER BY title,season,episode
seriesSummarizeQuery = SELECT DISTINCT title,season,(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(episode) FROM episode_watched AS e WHERE e.idShow=episode_watched.idShow AND e.season=episode_watched.season AND e.playCount>0 ORDER by episode) AS episode FROM tvshows JOIN episode_watched USING(idShow) WHERE playCount>0 ORDER BY title,season,episode
seriesSummarize = 0
seriesSummarizeCol = 3
seriesTitleSeasonCols = 1,2
seriesMenu = Copy,Complete
completeFeature = 1
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RE: WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state - by Boyzie - 2017-09-17, 08:34
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