Android nVidia Shield TV (2015 & 2017 Models) - UPDATED: May 25, 2018
(2017-10-12, 23:41)guyfromcanada Wrote: I did read that but that from my understanding is from searching from the home screen. In the video there was two parts to the integration, searching from the home screen and voice input within the Kodi app. It's the voice input part that I am more interested in but I don't think that this is possible anymore.

Nope, it happens even if you are in the app.

There is a way around the limitation though.  If your in Kodi and you say "find Wonder Woman", you will get a pop up like this.


Then you can say "play the first one" and it will play using Kodi.  Same goes for if you are in the Home screen, just say "play the[which even number app Kodi appears as] one".  So if Kodi is the 3rd app in the list you would say "play the third one".

Like I said, Assistant is still a WIP and a lot of what you try to do with it will just end up defaulting to Youtube.
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