Nightly build / Developer thread
Good day,

Since the last 2 nightlies I have a problem I never had before.
I try to scrape episodes that are named like s01e01.
But some of them TMM doesn't scrape or throws them into a Season -1.
If I mess around with DVD episode setting or tv episode setting, some of them will be ok, others not.
Sometimes I even have to go into editing and put both episode and dvd order settings the same to get a result.

Any one else having this?

ps; some fanart doesn't finish scraping and leaves behind .part files

Messages In This Thread
RE: Nightly build / Developer thread - by darknessatnight - 2017-10-14, 12:43
Feature TV rows - by Pepzi - 2021-01-21, 14:22
Invalid NFOs - by tars - 2016-07-18, 17:50
RE: Invalid NFOs - by mlaggner - 2016-07-18, 18:40
RE: Invalid NFOs - by tars - 2016-07-19, 02:33
RE: Invalid NFOs - by mlaggner - 2016-07-19, 07:16
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Nightly build / Developer thread2