Broken YeeMee - (Control Yeelight Smart Bulb + Ambi from Kodi)
First, thanks for the addon, it's amazing to see someone willing to create an addon for something that i paid 5€ lol.

I use the addons with Librelec on a raspberry pi 3. I want to use the addon only to have some kind of ambilight in the house. It works. Every time i start a movie or a tv show, the light change based on what is the screen. Perfect. The only problem i got it's the fact that it's working for less than 5 min. After 5 min, sometimes even less, the yeelight doesn't change the colour and stays white for ex. If i restart the movie, it work again. But, again, only for 5 min.

Any solution ?

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RE: YeeMee - (Control Yeelight Smart Bulb + Ambi from Kodi) - by Saraz1 - 2017-10-28, 00:15
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