START HERE - Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated Dec 2020)
Can you please send us the link to the guide you used to install LibreELEC as the main OS, thanks.

Messages In This Thread
The right box for me - by tyem - 2016-01-13, 15:29
Jesus Box - by kellyvb - 2016-03-04, 20:18
Thanks for the Help! - by jmc15john - 2016-11-09, 16:44
Jarvis crashes and wipes - by gotthis2000 - 2017-01-10, 22:14
RE: Jarvis crashes and wipes - by nickr - 2017-01-10, 22:58
T95Z Plus Android TV Box - by gooner1971 - 2017-03-17, 13:04
RE: START HERE - Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated November 2017) - by guandms - 2017-11-07, 06:47
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START HERE - Pick the Right Kodi Box (updated Dec 2020)28