Xiaomi 4K HDR 'Mi Box' (Android TV set-top box)
(2017-11-10, 00:35)wrxtasy Wrote: Yes.

Using the Chomd 666 mod already posted (only Firmware 1028 & 1035 allows this) in combo with SPMC 16.7.1 and Mediacodec Hardware video acceleration. However that does not survive a reboot so make sure the Mi Box always sleeps in standby mode. (Which is the standard setup). I'm also seeing serious WiFi reliability problems with 1028 Furmware.

If you use Amcodec video acceleration and auto refresh switching you end up with a black display screen. Turn off refresh switching and it's fine. Amcodec gives you proper full motion high quality deinterlacing for Kodi PVR OTA TV viewing use.

Basically that all adds up to one big comprimised hassle and these days.
If you do not need Chromecasting or 4K Netflix the dual boot AMLogic devices that come with DRM and HDCP 1.x or HDCP 2.2 when combined with some DIY and a quality Wireless USB dongle remote like the MINIX A2 lite, represent better value and you end up with a superior LibreELEC Kodi Krypton setup.

amcodec autorefresh switching works if you disable hdmi self adaptation in settings, no blackscreen here.

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RE: Xiaomi 4K HDR 'Mi Box' (Android TV set-top box) - by diogosena - 2017-11-10, 00:52
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