Alpha AudioAddict [DI, RadioTunes, Rock|Jazz|Classical Radio] (2018-July-11 : v0.6.1)
Awesome. Didn't realize I could listen to JazzRadio again on my RPi.

Working for me in LibreElec Krypton on a RPi3 using Confluence skin. I just installed it- so far, so good.

I have the JazzRadio Android app on my phone, but it's nice to be able to just use the Pi to listen in my living room.

Thank you. This is a bright spot in an otherwise miserable week. :-)

And Happy Thanksgiving to you, if you celebrate the holiday. :-)

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RE: AudioAddict [DI, RadioTunes, Rock|Jazz|Classical Radio] (2017-November-08 : v0.5.1) - by mrsfixit - 2017-11-23, 04:20
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AudioAddict [DI, RadioTunes, Rock|Jazz|Classical Radio] (2018-July-11 : v0.6.1)1