[T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control
My T3 was bad out of the box:
- drained the batteries very quickly. Seems to me it was in constant communication with the reciever. If I took it somewhere out of the range the LED would start rapidly flashing red and green.
- faint buzzing sound from the unit after keypresses until it went into standby
- Receiver would randomly register constant keypress ond Volume up/down keys resulting in volume go all the way up/down. Not a good feature to have when watching movies in the middle of the night with rest od the family sleeping Smile
- poor range comapring to the MX3
Receiver was in the front USB on my HTPC, about 4m from the couch with no obstacles between.
Went back to good old MX3-M that doesn't have any of the mentioned symptoms. Receiver plugged in the back of the HTPC inside wooden enclosure, together with USB DVB-T tuner and a bunch of cables, no problems.
Now searching for backup remote just in case MX3-M brakes down or something.

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power button - by thenry - 2017-03-26, 14:43
RE: [T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control - by c-shadow - 2017-11-26, 13:28
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[T3] 2.4GHz and IR Air Mouse Remote Control3