Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware
Yes more feedback like that pls.

I will wait for further testing and stable Zidoo FW before it gets added to the list. Also HDR10 > SDR conversion must be automatic to make the list above.

I actually bought an Apple TV 4K for Xmas after Apple finally added my wishlist of user adjustable video playback features. My last (very hacked one) was a 2007 Apple TV 1.

The ATV 4K has Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - working perfectly, even for tvOS Apps like Netflix with 24p. Helps when my 4K TV refresh switches in 1/2 a second.
Apple are using a high quality upscaler as well. Picture output quality is quite superb. Smile

Surprisingly normally troublesome VC-1 video plays back without issues too.

And the BIG one for me, MrMC (Kodi Jarvis Fork) has perfect mpeg2 & h264 1080i high quality full motion deinterlacing (YADIF2x) for watching OTA TV from my TvHeadend server.


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RE: Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware - by wrxtasy - 2017-12-12, 03:39
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Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware5