Release [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies
The main feature of this mod is the ability to poll its data from anidb which has the most extensive collection of anime ep and show data. Especially when it comes to even having data for multiple ops and eds you are not going to get better than anidb. I can not speak to how well or not those other scrappers work but I can say that when it comes to databasing anime anidb is the authority.

Please note that this scraper is not even in the official respiratory you got to install it from this thread. In addition to that you need to reprogram it or get banned from anidb if your trying to scrap more than a handful of shows at a time. Problem is you need a delay to prevent getting banned but the default values need to be way higher also even with high values (I have tested insane high values) you can still get banned because of the default function looks like this:


<DelayLoop clearbuffers="no" dest="4">
    <RegExp input="$$4" output="&lt;details&gt;\1&lt;/details&gt;" dest="4">
      <RegExp input="$$11" output="&lt;chain function=&quot;DelayLoop&quot;&gt;&amp;&lt;/chain&gt;" dest="4">
        <RegExp input="$$10" output="\1" dest="11">
          <RegExp input="$$11" output="\1`X" dest="10">
          <RegExp input="$$11" output="\1Y" dest="10">
          <RegExp input="$$11" output="\1Y" dest="10">
        <expression clear="yes">``+</expression>
      <expression noclean="1"/>

If you want to scan a bunch of stuff and never get banned you use this:

  <DelayLoop clearbuffers="no" dest="4">
    <RegExp input="$$4" output="&lt;details&gt;\1&lt;/details&gt;" dest="4">
      <RegExp input="$$11" output="&lt;chain function=&quot;DelayLoop&quot;&gt;&amp;&lt;/chain&gt;" dest="4">
        <RegExp input="$$10" output="\1" dest="11">
          <RegExp input="$$11" output="\1`X" dest="10">
          <RegExp input="$$11" output="\1Y" dest="10">
          <RegExp input="$$11" output="\1Y" dest="10">
        <expression clear="yes">``+</expression>
      <expression noclean="1"/>

If you plan to use this scrapper with a large collection there is two rules:
1) Use a tvshow.nfo file for each season so the scraper will always find a match (contents of files should be aid=x where X is the value from the shows url in anidb)
2) Use the above code fix in anidb.xml located in the folder

If you do those two things and follow all the instructions on the first post you will have a happy life.

Messages In This Thread
RE: - by scudlee - 2013-10-12, 17:42
RE: [RELEASE] [MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies - by ZERO &amp;lt;ibis&amp;gt; - 2018-01-07, 05:56
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[MOD] scrapers for TV shows and Movies8