Rebuilding audio library
The update library facility loops through all your music files, and scans tags from any new ones and re-scans the tags from any files that have changed in name, size or timestamp since the previous scan. When you have modified wrong tags I would expect library update to pick that up, so there should be no need to do the remove album, clean-up, add back sequence you say you do.
Quote:I sometimes modify some wrong tags, add images or so, but they are not taken into account when I just launch an update
You will need to give me examples of metadata changes to music files being ignored please.

Art is a little different, once Kodi has but an image in cache it can be hard to pursuade it to change without visiting each album or artist individually.  Improvements comming with Leia.

Also Leia has a facility to rescan tags even when the music files have not changed.

Messages In This Thread
Rebuilding audio library - by fmafma - 2018-01-31, 18:14
RE: Rebuilding audio library - by DaveBlake - 2018-01-31, 18:39
RE: Rebuilding audio library - by fmafma - 2018-01-31, 19:18
RE: Rebuilding audio library - by Klojum - 2018-01-31, 19:39
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