MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)
Just finished fixing the music scraper and compiling from source (on Arch Linux). Edit: I'm finally finishing up my music library and noticed I was mistaken; you can scrape every artist (and album?) in one shot in MediaElch by going to "Music" and hit CTRL+A to highlight everything then scrape everything at once, which is very nice. Not much artwork was downloaded, but that's a fault of the scrapers, not MediaElch itself. Not sure it was worth the effort (because it took a long time for me to figure out when I could have just donated a few bucks to unlock the development version which I think has a fixed music scraper, it only works for a fraction of my library, and seems to require scraping 1 album at a time...for 100s of albums). And I do mean that in the nicest way possible, I genuinely think MediaElch is a fantastic program.

Basically I started by using gitclone (from the instructions for installing from source code on the download page), edited the UniversalMusicScraper.cpp file with the changes mentioned by garretn, then continued with the instructions (which are not so great for the ~new Linux users like myself).

Full Instructions/Terminal Commands (***for Arch Linux***)
1. Delete the current MediaElch installation (if applicable)
2. Download dependencies (if necessary). To do so, type the following in terminal:
sudo pacman -S libmediainfo qt5-declarative qt5-multimedia qt5-script
3. Download the modified UniversalMusicScraper.cpp file (from my dummy Yandex email file storage):
4. Download the latest version of MediaElch from github. To do so, type the following in terminal:
git clone
5. If the above step (#4) completed successfully, you now have the MediaElch files that you need to compile the program. They are (typically) located in your /home folder (/home/*YOUR NAME*/MediaElch). Navigate to your /home, find the MediaElch folder, then find the /scrapers folder. Paste the modified UniversalMusicScraper.cpp file in /scrapers, replacing the existing file
6. Now you must navigate to the same MediaElch folder (again, typically in /home/*YOUR NAME*/MediaElch) in your terminal.  There are multiple ways to do this, pick one of them:
     Option 1: Use terminal. Type the following in terminal:
cd MediaElch
     Option 2: Use your file manager (eg: Thunar, Dolphin, Konquerer, etc) right-click context menu. In the MediaElch folder, right click on a blank area. The context menu (a.k.a. right-click menu) pops up. Click on "Open Terminal Here."
7. If you did step #6 correctly, you should have the MediaElch folder open in terminal. Stay in that location for the last few steps. Do not close your terminal until the end. Type the following in terminal:
8. You should still have the MediaElch folder open in terminal. Type the following in terminal:
9. You should still have the MediaElch folder open in terminal. Type the following in terminal:
sudo make install
10. Let's see if it works. Type the following in terminal:
11. I hope it's working for you. You're done. You can close the terminal. (Note, as with many programs, the application shortcut(?) is located in /usr/bin/MediaElch).

Before anyone asks, I have no idea if the modified music scraper file works with other operating system versions of MediaElch. If anyone's using the modified scraper with success on Windows or Mac please let us know and thank garretn for his code.

If this is inappropriate to the mods, Komet, or garretn, let me know, I have no issue deleting (both this post and my local files).

Messages In This Thread
MediaElch - Any IMDB issues? - by czfj5r - 2013-02-25, 22:26
RE: MediaElch - Any IMDB issues? - by Komet - 2013-02-26, 13:17
Slow Performance & Crashing - by kalhua - 2013-02-26, 02:09
Movie Sets artwork problem - by joshjn - 2013-10-01, 16:40
Automatic Title Search and Scrape - by cfm56 - 2014-01-11, 15:49
Certification - by jockbond - 2015-03-19, 15:35
Search Box - by jockbond - 2015-03-19, 16:50
File/Folder renaming - by jockbond - 2015-03-19, 20:39
MediaElch & Music Scraping - by niksimpson - 2016-05-12, 15:25
RE: MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping) - by S3N1L3AN1MAL - 2018-02-04, 05:48
Corrupted Install? - by wisnoskij - 2019-07-03, 15:50
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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)9