Android MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio)
Yes it will do all you want. That is what I use my U9 for, AML LE deinterlacing is great Smile

Just be aware you cannot select a system resolution for the Kodi GUI of 720p with S912 LE Kodi Krypton.

Apart from that everything works with LibreELEC Kodi Krypton, especially if you use THIS (click) S912 LibreELEC Kodi Krypton image that has a newer AML LE Kernel in it.


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RE: MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio) - by wrxtasy - 2018-02-24, 18:42
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MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio)6