Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
(2018-03-07, 19:14)brazen1 Wrote: 1.  You need to set custom resolutions?  News to me?  I never see that single dropped frame in a 5 minute period that is supposed to be the huge problem you make it to be although you might take great pride pointing out to me something we've realized for decades.  So much so, I don't bother with custom resolutions adjusting.  Neither does NVidia.  Nice you can adjust it though if for some reason its relevant to your viewing experience.  I tend to watch and listen to the movie and not my equipment or stat numbers whizzing by.  And yes, I demand perfection.  I guess that's something AMD can take great pride in.  I bow in shame.

2.  3D working reliable and perfect here?  Frame packed, SBS, TAB.  Very efficient.  The batch files I created are not only for what you assume they are for.  But you're welcome to think as you desire and fit it into your NVidia bashing routine.
3.  Oh you want to repeat 1 again.  Same answer.

You can over emphasize retaliatory table pounding deficits regarding NVidia all you want.  Funny reading you go off on your usual NVidia bashing rants and when someone puts in a decent word for NVidia about how it too works pretty damn good following your bashes, you gotta' jump right in there and pronounce fault with different words as if it means something like AMD works and NVidia doesn't.  How quick you forget the real nuisances of the video card tech you prefer and pump on every forum I see you in.  Jeesh, a week ago you were here complaining about your constant black screens and the week before that it was some other hysteria.  When a user asks about choices, you want to dominate and damn anyone who also offers their experience.  Perhaps ask madshi, the developer of madVR what he prefers and why or take a poll at madVR where madVR experts live.  Anyway, it remains the preferred video card technology amongst the enthusiasts who have been perfecting this for decades from what I see, including me. 

Anyone is welcome to defy that trend and go another direction including you.  But this 'NVidia is too problematic and AMD isn't' provided you can put up with these minor problems AMD has and here's the few things you gotta' do to cure its shortcomings that really aren't shortcomings, they're just minor inconveniences that nobody cares about and it only takes an extra minute or so of clicking certain buttons here and there to workaround this ease of use AMD card I use that only has 2GB or memory and can't play all kinds of things but boy oh boy it sure works good provided the screen doesn't go black again, ah shucks, wait a second, lemme' adjust this thingy, there done, piece a cake...... is silly and misinforming.
lol, whatever fella.

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