Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
@mclingo i've found that when the desktop turns to 23p you load up the amd settings and select 10:12 bit ..whatever you like/looks best and it remembers it.  even through reboots.

(i've finally gotten a 4k, hdr tv, a sony branded one, but no 3d, as i'm not interested in 3d whatsoever)

I was having the dropouts when i was using your recommendations of 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 with the YcBcR settings, until i went back to FULL RGB 8 bit desktop and on 23p change, going into the amd settings panel and selecting 10 bit.  

Lucky for us, this works and holds true, but as we've seen on the madVR forums, it's not working through reboots with an nVidia card.  Which is rough for them.

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