Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware
(2018-03-23, 01:26)hdmkv Wrote: My Epson PJ shows 60.00. From what I've read, there's no difference between 59.94 and 60.00; that technically 60Hz displays run at 59.94. Apparently some kind of holdover from the old U.S. TV days when color was added, and they had to 'slow' the refresh rate by 1% to avoid interference on then B&W sets. When I view the 1080p/59.94 test pattern I posted here with Zidoo via my Epson, the panning bars are smooth.
 Yes - in reality there is little-to-no commercial 60.00Hz content out there - as all broadcast content is shot 59.94Hz. (The field-rate was altered to tweak the composite chroma subcarrier away from a frequency that could have interfered with the FM sound sub-carrier on broadcasts, not just for B&W compatibility reasons. They had to alter the field rate as the line count was fixed, and the subcarrier is locked to the line-rate...)

However 59.94 isn't 60.00... The early Japanese HD systems that evolved into 1080i were originally based on 60.00Hz (they had fiendish ways of converting to 59.94 480i...) and some phone cameras may shoot at 60.00Hz - so it is important to differentiate.   Also 24.000Hz content output with 3:2 will be at 60.00Hz - and there is quite a lot of 24.000Hz content in the wild. (Quite a number of European Blu-rays are 24.000Hz)

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RE: Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware - by noggin - 2018-03-28, 11:35
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