Automatically fetching any type of music artwork
Q on what is / was displayed in the filebrowser

I see changes in what the filebrowser shows when user does a "select artwork" to get a select dialog for arttype selection.

Previously, for example artist info you get
-artist thumb
current thumb
remote thumb
local thumb

-artist fanart
current fanart
remote fanart
local fanart

Same thing for album info

Now what you get for artist info
-artist thumbnail
current art
remote art
local art
no art

-artist fanart
current art
remote fanart
local art
no art

-artist other arttype
current art
remote art
local art
no art

and album info
-album thumbnail
current art
remote art
local art
no art

-album other arttype
current art
remote art
local art
no art

Is it needed that we go from eg current thumb to current art?  Also now we have artist remote fanart but for everything else it is remote art?  and the "remote art" seems to always be the remote thumb, not relevant to other arttypes that I see.  And is album fanart arttype now deprecated?

scott s.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Automatically fetching any type of music artwork - by scott967 - 2018-05-08, 03:36
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