Android MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio)
To be honest for the end AMLogic user, there is not a lot of difference for between Kodi v17 Krypton vs Kodi v18 Leia at the moment. Krypton is the more stable software release.
There is a lot of work going on under the hood for Kodi Leia regarding Windows, Xbox and some Linux changes.

All the Big changes for minimal Linux based platforms will likely come with Kodi v19 when the underlying mainline Linux Kernel on those platforms will become more stable.


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RE: MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio) - by wrxtasy - 2018-05-11, 03:39
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MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio)6