Automatically fetching any type of music artwork
(2018-05-09, 11:38)scott967 Wrote: I was doing a straight A/B compare of the dialogs.  I realize now that before in musicinfo/albums that button 12 worked but actually was accessing the fanart for the associated album artist (never used it in practice I admit). 
I thought that the fanart button was disabled for album info, it should have been, anyway it is now gone.
(2018-05-09, 11:38)scott967 Wrote: Adding fanart as an albumextraart did work as expected.
Thanks for that confirmation, all your testing is appreciated.
(2018-05-09, 11:38)scott967 Wrote: I see now the labels in the file browser make sense, except maybe remote art.  I guess that's due to scraper function that either returns "thumbs" or "fanart" so now the remote art for anything except artist fanart is listing the remote thumbs as "remote art". 
Historically (support for background colour?) artist fanart was kept separate from thumbs. That is no longer necessary, and sometime I will combine it (or someone will). Meanwhile the artist scraper results get split with only fanart urls in one field, and results for all other art types in another and XML option "aspect = " indicating art type of each entry.
Here is an extract from artist.strImage containing both "thumbs" (poster) and "clearlogo" art
<thumb aspect="poster" preview=""></thumb>
<thumb aspect="clearlogo" preview=""></thumb>
<thumb aspect="clearlogo" preview=""></thumb>
What gets listed as the remote art for a given art type (except fanart) is a result of how CScraperUrl::GetThumbURLs works. It returns those scraped urls with aspect empty for every type, and all aspect values when type requested is empty or "thumb". While few art types are scraped it looks like remote art includes everything every time, but it doesn't. Say we have scraped artist art results with aspect values "" (no aspect option), "poster", "clearlogo", and "banner", the remote art for given art type is:

"thumb" lists all results (except fanart) inc the logo and the banner
"clearlogo" lists logos and those without aspect
"banner" lists banner and those without aspect
"own added type" lists those without aspect

Old scraped results are all thumbs don't have aspect values, hence you see all the thumbs as remote art for every type. As the scraper is improved and you rescrape, the remote art listed for a given art type will appear more selective (expect thumb that will continue to show all the art except fanart).

I hope that helps explain what you see Scott.

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RE: Automatically fetching any type of music artwork - by DaveBlake - 2018-05-11, 09:39
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