Xiaomi 4K HDR 'Mi Box' (Android TV set-top box)
Did a bit of Logging with Oreo on the Mi Box - the underlying new AMLogic Linux Kernel changed a few things:

This is why Kodi Refresh Switching will not work when you select HDMI Self Adaptation in Android settings:

2682  2682 E SystemControl: writeSysFs, open /sys/class/tv/policy_fr_auto fail.
6900  6900 D kodi    : Setting changed: content://settings/system/key_hdmi_selfadaption

The old - tv/policy_fr_auto - SysFs node no longer exists with the new v4.9.54 Linux Kernel.
As I've been saying the SystemControl binary has to be modded.

Also extracted the v4.9.54 Kernel Config and CONFIG_NTFS_FS=y is definitely enabled. Not sure how Android Oreo handles NTFS formatted Hard Drives.

Mi.Box.Kernel.config.txt (click)


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NO Teamviewer - broken ! - by aubrey - 2017-06-07, 17:12
RE: Xiaomi 4K HDR 'Mi Box' (Android TV set-top box) - by wrxtasy - 2018-06-29, 11:05
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