Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server
Now copy the proptest binary to the directory /usr/local/bin/

Edit your systemd serivce to add before the ExecStar line:
ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/proptest -M i915 -D /dev/dri/card0 101 connector 103 1

sudo systemctl daemon reload
sudo reboot

kodi now needs to be set to "Use Limited Range" and your TV also to limited Range
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

Messages In This Thread
Live TV broken again? - by schamane - 2016-02-29, 19:56
Random crashes - by hal2100 - 2016-03-08, 22:03
Strange Behaviour - by MicTie - 2016-12-07, 10:46
RE: Intel VAAPI howto with Krypton v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server - by fritsch - 2018-07-22, 10:54
Working lirc with mce remote - by fr1day - 2019-08-10, 17:36
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Intel VAAPI howto with Leia v18 nightly based on Ubuntu 18.04 server18