Android nVidia Shield TV (2015 & 2017 Models) - UPDATED: May 25, 2018
I was using my own joystick.xml in my Shield 2015 till now (17.6) without a problem. But now, I've updated to Leia Alpha 2 and it doesn't work.

My joystick was defined something like this:
   <joystick name="NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04">

I could see that my joystick name was actually v01.03 (Settings > System settings > Input). So I changed my joystick.xml accordingly, but still doesn't work.
Of course Joystick Support addon is activated.

Android\data\org.xbmc.kodi\files\.kodi\userdata\addon_data\peripheral.joystick\resources\buttonmaps\xml\ is empty until changing controller configuration (settings > System Settings > Input > Configure Attached Controllers). Then, a new subfolder appears: \android\NVIDIA_Corporation_NVIDIA_Controller_v01.03_xxxxxxxxx.xml

But again, joystick.xml doesn't work. It seems that Kodi simply doesn't read this file.

My Nvidia is up to date (Oreo).

Anyone with this problem?

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Rip CDs? - by crisp waffles - 2017-03-20, 21:19
RE: nVidia Shield TV (2015 & 2017 Models) - UPDATED: May 25, 2018 - by Milkado - 2018-07-23, 11:27
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