Android MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio)

I have an issue with where Kodi freezes when it attempts to play any file that has external srt subtitles over smb. I saw other people were having the same issue in the LibreELEC forum, but I can't figure out how to post there. The same file and subtitles work perfectly over nfs. I tried changing the smb levels in settings, but it made no difference. It also freezes on downloading an external subtitle. It downloads and correctly renames it, then when it opens it, it freezes.

Here's the log:

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RE: MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio) - by crazygambit - 2018-07-24, 17:31
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MINIX NEO U9-H (64-bit Octa Core Amlogic S912-H/ 4K UHD HEVC, HDR, Dolby Audio)6