Budget AMLogic S9xx Media Player Options
(2018-08-11, 01:39)clarkss12 Wrote: It appears that most of my antiquated equipment is not capable of switching the hz.  I can't use my HDMI switch, I can't use my AVR, and my other TV's are too old I guess.  Out of all my combinations, only directly connected to my 4k TV allows the refresh change.
Now it appears it is going to cost me $$$ to update my equipment.  Guess I was better off being ignorant......... and happy with what I had... 
Does your HDMI switch have a little switch that says "Std" or "TV"? If it does, you can put that on "TV" and it is likely to work. Your AVR may also have some setting that would make it "transparent" in the display chain. As for why refresh rate switching didn't work with 480p/SD content, you do have to enable those resolutions also in the whitelist. Other wise, Kodi would upscale 480p to 1080p.

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RE: Budget AMLogic S9xx Media Player Options - by wesk05 - 2018-08-11, 02:33
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