Release Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi
(2018-09-12, 14:05)tkislan Wrote:
(2018-09-12, 13:44)hslansky Wrote:
(2018-09-12, 11:16)tkislan Wrote: I've uploaded a new version of addon, which fixes encoding issue when retrieving library data from Kodi (cc @pbarr )
Also, I've improved genre matching a little, so you should be getting better results when requesting movies by genre (cc @hslansky )

DL link:
 Just upgraded to version 0.1.19 and I am still having the same issue with genres.  The request was done at approximately 7:39AM ET.  A request for Fantasy movies works fine, Sci-Fi and Science Fiction return a message from Kodi Connect saying "Nothing Found".      
I don't get it. I've just added unit test for the exact same Alexa request, and it does find movies.
Can you check whats the name of your Sci-Fi genre? I have it named "Science Fiction", and it does match it. Maybe if in your case it's called "Sci-Fi", it might not match against it.
Also, if you send me your "MyVideos107.db" file, it might help to investigate why it's not working for you     
The genre is "Sci-Fi" as that's how it appears on  I also tried "Science-Fiction" and get the same error, however, "Science Fiction" does work (no dash)  My database is MyVideos112.db. I am running Leia Beta 2.  What is the best way to send you the file?  (assuming you still need/want it).

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Can't connect to Kodi connect - by Shaboobala - 2018-07-17, 07:39
RE: Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi - by hslansky - 2018-09-12, 17:04
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Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi8