Release Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi
@atzi22 @johnhwyman @Kaiser87 @AS_Motion_Lab I've added your emails .. here is the link for the temporary skill

As for others, if you want to join the beta, just PM me with your Amazon/Alexa email.
Current state of development is, that I'm still waiting for the certification to pass, and even though they state that it should take 5 business days, it is currently in review for around 3 weeks already.
And as the skill is in review, it becomes immutable, and I cannot change anything, nor add people to the beta test, so that's why I've created a temporary dev skill (Kodi Test), so that people can use it in the meantime.

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Can't connect to Kodi connect - by Shaboobala - 2018-07-17, 07:39
RE: Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi - by tkislan - 2018-10-22, 10:25
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Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi8