Release [CMIK] addon - repo / updates / support
(2018-11-12, 14:43)Jeremiah Wrote: Sorry if this is a silly question but if they are blocking curl and ffmpeg user agents can't we just pass a user agent option?

curl -A "UserAgentString"
ffmpeg -user-agent "UserAgentString"

is it possible to implement this in your kodi addon or is it more complicated than that?

Hi @Jeremiah,
It is mostly ffmpeg that retrieve m3u8 playlist and segments. You can pass a user-agent from Kodi to ffmpeg but it is only applied on the 1st call but not on sublevels.
Also ffmpeg header Icy-MetaData can’t be disabled on sublevels.
The only ways are to :
- compile a new version of ffmpeg with a fix (you must be able to replace your current ffmpeg)
- use a proxy (Fiddler, Apache proxypass, etc...) that can replace/remove headers.

Some of us are testing different solutions like benaranguren with livestreamer.

I hope we can get back to you with some results.


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