Using and tuning MariaDB as your central database
As long as you do not test with version 18 any issue report is useless.
There has been work done to the databases between 17 and 18, and we will not release another version of 17 any more.

Attached to that is the fact that it states quite clearly on the issue templates not to post feature requests there. 

It is also probably best to start a separate thread for your issue here on the forum and ask others to help you, instead of hijacking this useful thread.
The first thing I would suggest you do is run a kodi 18 instance somewhere so you get updated databases. Be sure to follow the requirements set out in the wiki to get all views and triggers created correctly, eg. do not restrict the kodi sql account on the sql environment, but give it full access. Since the databases will be created next to your existing ones you can easily drop them later.

It is fair that at some point an issue needs to be raised, but it is definitely necessary to figure out which indexes need to be added to a v18 system, and have this verified by multiple people, before such is done.

@HeresJohnny: It's clear your intentions were good Smile

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RE: Using and tuning MariaDB as your central database - by Kib - 2018-11-17, 10:49
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