Win HOW TO - Configure Kodi DSPlayer with LAV Filters, XySubFilter & madVR
Is the PGS subtitle listed in this screen during playback (under audio settings):


If it isn't listed, I would think the subtitle isn't loaded with the video. Has the same rip worked in the past? It could be the subtitle is not flagged correctly, wasn't ripped properly or it is the wrong subtitle track.

You need to to recheck your settings in LAV Splitter and XySubFilter. There is a DPI scaling issue with DSPlayer with these control panels. That's why you are seeing some of the text as cut-off. Set the display scaling in Windows to 100% and that text should come back. You can also adjust each setting by remote in DSPlayer by scrolling through the list of settings below the property page, but the property page is easier to use.

To use the newest version of XySubFilter, all you have to do is install it in Windows and add it as an "Extra external filter" in DSPlayer. It should be automatically used as the subtitle filter once selected from the extra filters menu.

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9korpus - by edivrecar17 - 2015-10-05, 03:49
Audio delayed after pause - by JeffA - 2016-01-10, 20:28
RE: HOW TO - Configure Kodi DSPlayer with LAV Filters, XySubFilter & madVR - by Warner306 - 2018-11-23, 16:08
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HOW TO - Configure Kodi DSPlayer with LAV Filters, XySubFilter & madVR7