Android How to: Create additional Kodi Channels for Android TV Home launcher (Oreo)
Hello, I'm very new with my Nvidia Shield, but long years experienced with Kodi.

Since long time, I can only create intellegent playlists. The function generate smart list I never saw since long time in Kodi.
I checked different skins and can't find generate smart list.
Is it important for additional channels to generate conseqent a smart playlist? Or it doesn't matter if a smart or an intelligent
smartlist is used for channels?

I use the newest Kodi nightly build.
I see all my playlist for adding channels in the Shield, BUT...they are all shown as empty, even they work pretty good in Kodi.
I rebootet the Shield several times, without any effect...the playlists are shown as empty.

What should I do?

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to: Create additional Kodi Channels for Android TV Home launcher (Oreo) - by Bladerunner1962 - 2018-11-24, 01:37
Add TV channels - by moamoa - 2022-10-16, 21:53
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How to: Create additional Kodi Channels for Android TV Home launcher (Oreo)2