Win HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players ISO Menus
Just edit this line of code in the PCF.xml

<rule filename=".*HDR10.*|.*HDR.*|.*hdr.*" player="DVDFab"/>


<rule filename=".*HDR10.*|.*HDR.*|.*hdr.*" player="PowerDVD"/>

Provided you have HDR10, HDR, or hdr as part of the file name, PowerDVD will now be the default player.  As always, you can press 'menu' aka 'C' to bring up the 'play using' menu and select any player(s) you have installed.

I too use HDMI/Wasapi.  I've found no reason to use the 'keep audio device alive' or the 'send low volume noise' settings.  My Denon doesn't need any help.  I don't know what you mean by "shared audio mode"?  PowerDVD has it's own audio settings.  They are independent of KODI's settings.  Kodi audio settings outputs its settings when using its internal VideoPlayer and likewise so does PDVD.  Use Full Range Non Decoded HiDef.  Once you adjust settings in any player, you forget them and that's how they will always respond provided you use the players and your AVR correctly.  For instance, using PDVD, FAB, KODI, etc. with your AVR OFF will revert your settings to be applicable for a stereo environment (only if you actually start playing something).  Once you turn your AVR ON, the settings remain defaulted for a stereo setting and not a high bitrate multi channel environment.  You'd have to manually readjust.  Don't play anything with your AVR OFF unless you're prepared to redo some adjustments.  There is nothing "degrading" any quality because multiple players are used.

I too use FSE (Fullscreen).  I don't understand your second question too well?  There is nothing for KODI to switch?  The windows HDR can't always stay engaged because SDR will be negatively affected.  I can't suggest what you have to do with your HDR dilemma?  I assume Windows HDR must be ON to use PowerDVD for UHD HDR playback?  I don't have the special hardware required by PDVD.  This is why I use various other players for HDR.  They all engage HDR mode only when needed and turn it back off when not in use because they use private API's from the manufacturer.  This way, windows desktop is not affected. 

KODI GUI is in essence, windows desktop.  Even if I did meet PDVD's hardware requirements, I prefer this method because I never have to manually enable/disable windows HDR.  It is NEVER enabled.  It's always OFF since windows HDR is primitive and the private API's are a different way of engaging HDR.  The API's also work at display level meaning HDR adjustments to contrast, etc. take place.  Windows HDR has no affect at display level.  You'd have to manually make the adjustments.  When using KODI's internal VideoPlayer, HDR and SDR work fine.  HDR is converted to SDR and looks ok-ish.  Certainly better than nothing.  I suggest you 'try' the free player options in this guide for HDR playback so you can compare not only the quality, but the ease of use.  None of them will handle menus but at least you get a feel for what HDR should look like.  PDVD is not the only HDR player with a menus option.  So is DVDFab v.3.  It too uses the private API's so imo, the quality and ease of use is worthy of consideration.
HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players iso menus

W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W

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RE: Kodi 3D Guide - by brazen1 - 2015-06-15, 22:29
RE: Kodi 3D Guide - by michaelsammler - 2015-06-22, 00:38
RE: Kodi 3D Guide - by brazen1 - 2015-06-23, 17:15
RE: Kodi 3D Guide - by michaelsammler - 2015-06-24, 02:23
RE: Kodi 3D Guide - by brazen1 - 2015-06-24, 17:22
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RE: HOW TO - Kodi 2D - 3D - UHD (4k) HDR Guide Internal & External Players - by brazen1 - 2018-12-04, 04:03
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