Android How to: Create additional Kodi Channels for Android TV Home launcher (Oreo)
so i have an archive of about 30k tv episodes from about 600 shows
and 2000 movies...
all legally recorded off cable tv and antenna over the past 5 years

I need some way to set up a PseudoTV type TV Guide
I want to make my own tv network channels
I want to be able to program my own guide so I can set the day and time an episode plays
and then the interval that it plays again.. either every night at 8pm or every monday at 8pm
and then i want them to play in order

Basically i want to setup a tv guide to fake live tv.. sure i can play a marathon of shows but I would rather have something that makes me think i still have cable.. i don't care if its reruns.. I also have antenna tv

I am guessing from the comments that this option would be so lagged it would never work

It Seems PseudoTV really needs some help too but the developer is headed in the right direction

You can even add your SiliconDust tuner for OTA real stations to complete your listings

I guess this is a plea to developers to give that guys project some well deserved help .. it should be part of core or at least function really well.. right now its way to random to be useable but it is a great project

Someone like me with a large archive really needs a plugin or core feature like that

any suggestions would help immensely

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to: Create additional Kodi Channels for Android TV Home launcher (Oreo) - by ZippyTheChicken - 2018-12-04, 13:17
Add TV channels - by moamoa - 2022-10-16, 21:53
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How to: Create additional Kodi Channels for Android TV Home launcher (Oreo)2