freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu'
Here is one:
Kodi froze on me yesterday just after it finished playing an album.
It did that a couple of times, and sometimes freezes on exit.
This is the Kodi 17.6 provided by Ubuntu's repository. On my main PC, I run Ubuntu 18.10.
I checked and my HTPC is running the same Kodi 17.6 but it comes from the Kodi's PPA. My HTPC is running Ubuntu 18.04 and showed no Kodi issues (for now at least).
I tried to install the PPA version but it is not available as a Release on Ubuntu 18.10; need to fallback on a nightly or something.
So is it because there is no stable version of Kodi yet for Ubuntu 18.10?

Messages In This Thread
freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by EricBuist - 2018-12-08, 22:13
RE: freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by Klojum - 2018-12-09, 05:19
RE: freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by Preacher - 2018-12-15, 23:03
RE: freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by wsnipex - 2018-12-09, 10:25
RE: freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by EricBuist - 2018-12-15, 21:20
RE: freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by wsnipex - 2018-12-15, 21:45
RE: freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by Maxxarcade - 2018-12-16, 01:29
RE: freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by DaVu - 2018-12-16, 09:53
freeze on Exit 'Ubuntu' - by PatK - 2018-12-09, 04:54
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