v18 OSMC test builds for Leia (Kodi 18)
I'm trying to install the Leia nightlys follow the thread that describe the process.
But if I type:
dpkg -l | grep mediacenter-osmc | awk '{ print $3 }'
I got 17.8-407.

I guess the Leia version should start at 18.x, right?

Messages In This Thread
OSMC test builds for Leia (Kodi 18) - by kl1k - 2016-12-03, 10:18
Profile Fix - by Audiomonk - 2017-04-12, 22:27
RE: OSMC test builds for Leia (Kodi 18) - by crosmax - 2019-02-01, 13:36
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OSMC test builds for Leia (Kodi 18)4